Binge WatchLuke 9:10-17 When the apostles returned, they described for Jesus what they had done. Taking them with him, Jesus withdrew privately to a city called Bethsaida. When the crowds figured it out, they followed him. He welcomed them, spoke to them about God’s kingdom, and healed those who were sick.
When the day was almost over, the Twelve came to him and said, “Send the crowd away so that they can go to the nearby villages and countryside and find lodging and food, because we are in a deserted place.” He replied, “You give them something to eat.” But they said, “We have no more than five loaves of bread and two fish—unless we go and buy food for all these people.” (They said this because about five thousand men were present.) Jesus said to his disciples, “Seat them in groups of about fifty.” They did so, and everyone was seated. He took the five loaves and the two fish, looked up to heaven, blessed them, and broke them and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. Everyone ate until they were full, and the disciples filled twelve baskets with the leftovers. Key Points this Sunday: Desert places=Opportunity. Wilderness or desert is a signal in Scripture. It means something is about to happen! But it will usually come with something challenging, too. Find the opportunity in our desert place—and follow it Jesus' followers have an opportunity to be in on the miracle--will they choose to? Participating in Jesus’ work is better than watching it Yet the opportunity has challenge "Jesus said to everyone, 'All who want to come after me must say no to themselves, take up their cross daily, and follow me. All who want to save their lives will lose them. But all who lose their lives because of me will save them. What advantage do people have if they gain the whole world for themselves yet perish or lose their lives?'" Giving ourselves to God is how we find ourselves Comments are closed.
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September 2024
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